A bridge from the "heart of the Japanese people" to world through Japanese sake and culture.

日本酒・日本文化を通して 「日本人の心」を 世界中に伝えていく、 その架け橋となる

Yoko Suganami
Founder and CEO, Rainbow Sake INC.

International Kikisake-shi (Sake Service Institute), Export development specialist (Certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Born in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture in 1974. Yoko was raised in beautiful natural surroundings between the calm Seto Inland Sea and the mountains. The port town of Kure is an important naval base, and Yoko’s family run the machinery trading company Suganami Co., Ltd., founded in 1902, while her mother’s family run a fishing net manufacturing company founded in 1901. Through her family ties, Yoko has developed her strong community based, entrepreneurial spirit inspired by over two centuries of combined family success.

Her sociable father often held dinners, made all the more enjoyable by the aroma of sake and her mother’s excellent cooking, laying the foundations for her appetite for good food and drink.

She joined Recruit Co., Ltd. in 1997, was involved in the launch of the magazine "Hot Pepper," and by 2001 she was editor-in-chief of "Hot Pepper Shibuya Edition / Ginza Edition." She visited a total of about 30,000 restaurants nationwide and wrote about 4,000 articles introducing them. She also became the youngest female general manager in Recruit, leading a sales team of 50 people, and developed the "Yoko Suganami God of Good Fortune Sales" method. The method was adopted in corporate training as a behavioral model for salespeople. She also lectured at organizations nationwide and trained staff.

After leaving Recruit in 2006 she moved to Hawaii in 2009, at age 35, and joined UniValue Creations, LLC as general manager of the free magazine "Kau Kau." In her new position, she visited about 500 restaurants across Hawaii and wrote a total of about 2,000 introductory articles, while simultaneously in charge of marketing and editing the magazine and managing the organization.

In 2010, she ordered a glass of sake at a fine dining restaurant in Honolulu and joyfully took a sip. The sake was spoiled and not drinkable. Shocked by the experience, she was then inspired and felt a strong calling to convey accurate information about sake to overseas markets. She then returned to Japan in 2011 and prepared to start her own business. In 2013, she was selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to receive a subsidy for a start-up stimulating demand from overseas. On October 23, 2013, she founded Rainbow Sake INC. in Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture, leading the company as CEO.

Since then, she has supported overseas exports of sake and Japanese craft beer, as well as overseas PR for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), METI and the METI division responsible for the Western Honshu that includes Hiroshima. She also works with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the Setouchi Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), and other companies to produce sake content targeting overseas travelers.

From her base in Hiroshima and Setouchi, she keeps overseas audiences informed about sake and the Japanese food culture that Japan takes such great pride in. Her lifelong mission is to convey the charms of Japan to the world in an enjoyable way.

In January 2017, she was featured in a 10-minute independent documentary entitled "Sake to the World" on NHK Hiroshima. In February 2017, NHK Western Honshu featured her in a 30-minute documentary entitled "Sake Brewery Revolution and Overseas Expansion." She has also been interviewed by many newspaper business columns and the magazine NIKKEI STYLE.

Yoko Suganami Facebook
Yoko Suganami Instagram

菅波 葉子
株式会社Rainbow Sake 代表取締役


1974年 広島県呉市生まれ。穏やかな瀬戸内海と、山に囲まれた豊かな自然の中で生まれ育つ。世界屈指の海軍拠点である呉の町で、1902(明治35)年創業の機械商社・菅波物産(株)を営む菅波家の次女。母方の実家は1901(明治34)年創業の魚網製造業。両親ともに地域に根ざした事業家の家系で、幼い頃から志を高く持つ心の強さや、商売の基本を叩き込まれる。社交的な父が頻繁に開く宴での、楽しい日本酒の香りや、料理が得意な母の存在が「食いしん坊」の原点。

広島県立広島国泰寺高校、相模女子大学短期大学部英文科卒業後、渡英、帰国後、1997年 株式会社リクルートに入社。雑誌「ホットペッパー」創刊に携わり、2001年には「ホットペッパー渋谷版・銀座版」の編集長に就任。全国のべ約3万件のレストランを訪問し、約4,000件の紹介記事を制作する。同時にリクルート女性最年少マネージャーとして50名の営業組織を牽引し、営業メソッド「菅波葉子の福の神営業」を開発。これがリクルート営業メンバーの行動モデルとして、社内教育に採用。全国の組織での講演や、メンバー育成を行う。

2006年に同社を退職。2009年、35歳でアメリカ・ハワイに渡り、UniValue Creations, LLC.に入社。フリーペーパー「KauKau」の営業部長として、ハワイ全土約500件のレストランを取材訪問し、のべ約2,000件の紹介記事を制作。雑誌のマーケティング・編集と、組織のマネジメントを担当する。


2011年に退職・帰国し、創業準備。2013年に経済産業省による「海外需要獲得型創業補助金」で採択。2013年 10月23日、株式会社Rainbow Sake(レインボー・サケ)を広島・呉市で創業し、代表取締役に就任。



2017年1月、NHK広島放送にて「“日本文化” 日本酒を世界へ」と題した10分間の単独ドキュメント放送。2017年2月 NHK中国放送「フェイス その一杯が変わる〜日本酒蔵元の改革と海外進出」特集30分間ドキュメント放送で取り上げられる。ほか中国新聞、雑誌「NIKKEI STYLE」など取材多数。

菅波葉子 Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/yoko.suganami
菅波葉子 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yokorainbowsake/

Qualifications / Awards

・Winner of “Western Honshu Regional Female Entrepreneur Business Contest” sponsored by the Western Honshu of Economy, Trade and Industry (2018)
・Judge of the Sake Competition "Wine Glass Delicious Japanese Sake Award" sponsored by RSN Japan Riedel Japan, sponsored by the Japan Sake Brewing Association (2017)
・Judge of the Sake competition "Kanzake (Hot Sake) Contest" sponsored by the National Sake Contest Executive Committee, sponsored by the Japan Sake Brewing Association (2016)
・Silver Award Winner of “Hiroshima Venture Encouragement Award” sponsored by Hiroshima Venture Development Fund (2015)
・Certified as an overseas market development specialist by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (2015)
・Established a company that adopted the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's overseas demand acquisition type start-up assistance (2013)
・Certified international Kikisake-shi by Sake Service Institute (2013)
・Certified Kikisake-shi by Sake Service Institute (2011)


SSI認定 唎酒師 取得
SSI認定 国際唎酒師 取得
経済産業省・中小企業庁 海外需要獲得型創業補助採択 会社設立
経済産業省・中小企業庁 海外販路開拓専門家認定
公益財団法人ひろしまベンチャー育成基金 ひろしまベンチャー奨励賞 銀賞受賞
酒コンペティション「ワイングラスで美味しい日本酒アワード」審査員(主催/RSN Japan リーデル・ジャパン、後援/日本酒造組合中央会)
中国経済産業局主催 第1回中国地域女性ビジネスコンテスト ファイナリスト受賞

Media coverage history

・ Feature in 10-minute independent documentary entitled "Sake to the World" on NHK Hiroshima (January 2017)
・ Feature in a 30-minute documentary entitled "Sake Brewery Revolution and Overseas Expansion” on NHK Western Honshu (February 2017)

・Business section of local newspaper based in Sanin district (January 2019)
・Top page of local newspaper based in Western Honshu (April 2018)
・Business section of local newspaper based in Western Honshu (February 2018)
・Business section of local newspaper based in Western Honshu (June 2017)
・Business section of local newspaper based in Western Honshu (January 2014)

【Magazines / Books】
・ Feature article as a female entrepreneur from Kure city on Local magazine “Kureeban” (January 2021)
・Feature article on ”Recruit Co., Ltd.-born female president list 2021” (December 2020)
・Feature article on monthly Sake Magazine “Bimy” (August 2019)
・Interview article as "female president who challenges new market" on NIKKEI STYLE (December 2018)


NHK広島放送 「”日本文化” 日本酒を世界へ」特集10分間ドキュメント
NHK中国放送 フィイス「その一杯が変わる〜日本酒蔵元の改革と海外進出」特集30分間ドキュメント
中国新聞経済面 会社創業に関する取材記事
中国新聞経済面 せとうちDMO受託事業に関する紹介記事
中国新聞経済面 「新キャリア女性起業家」コーナー 取材記事
中国新聞セレクト表紙 「日本酒で実現したい夢」コラム記事
山陰中央新報経済面 日本酒海外輸出に関するビジネス講演会の取材記事
NIKKEI STYLE 「新市場に挑戦する女性社長」としての取材記事
SAKE MAGAGINE 月刊Bimy 「旅する日本酒」コーナー取材記事